Was watching this video from Ryan James Yezak and he was talking about moving on .definetly a great video to watch , I do want to piggy back on some of what he was saying, sometimes we are scared of change , but you never know how it will be until you make that step and when I mean you , I mean you have to make it know one can tell you to do it , it has to come from inside you. We can be where we are but always we have to move on , learn new things , take chances in life , open yourself up to more people, tear down that wall that you have built to push away people , start a new hobby, see new places, leave a bad situation, the lost could go on and on, but you have to move on and continue to live life. don't go backwards or stand still, move foward .
Thank you James for a awesome message. and if you would like to share what you will be moving on to let me know.
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